
6 Workflow Management Tips You Can Apply Today to Scale Your Business Faster

What is workflow management and systems – how does it work?



Whether you’re an IT Head of Department/CIO, Project manager or the CEO of a small or medium company, workflow management is inescapable.

When done wrong, can result in dire implications – anything from losing talents and clients to wasting capital and creating a bad image of the company.

But when done right, opens a floodgate of growth opportunities for different departments within your company, ultimately making it easier to scale your business to the extent you’ve always dreamt of.

Not all parts of your workflow need automation. Matter of fact, automating the wrong manual workflows could have damaging consequences for your company.

By the time you’re done reading this post you will have discovered;

  • What part of your workflows you must automate to be able to scale your company faster
  • What workflow management is, the systems, and how it works
  • How to pick the right systems for your company
  • How to get your team onboard with your systems
  • How to ensure an evergreen workflow process

Let’s dive in;


What is workflow?

A popular definition is that workflow is the sequence in which your employees complete tasks at work.

But it doesn’t do it much justice. A workflow is much more than just a sequence of tasks. It's the invisible engine that drives productivity and keeps everything running smoothly in a busy workplace - not just in a business (but we’ll focus mainly on the business realm).

Think of it like a well-choreographed dance or film. Each employee represents a dancer. Their individual tasks are the steps they execute. But just like any great performance – timing, coordination… all must be in a defined order.

That's where the workflow comes in. It acts as the music and the choreography, guiding each dancer (employee) through their part and ensuring they all come together harmoniously to achieve the final goal (completing the project or task).

So, next time you hear murmuring about employees not knowing their tasks in a team, there’s a workflow challenge.

Which brings us to the next question;


What is workflow Management?

With the ability to create and monitor work processes, workflow management is your roadmap to turning business goals into accomplished tasks. It's the glue that binds team collaboration, from the project's kick-off to a successful delivery.

It eliminates the stress of wondering what comes next or who's responsible – each step, each task, is laid out like a clear path, leading your team efficiently to success.


Imagine you’re set to embark on a grand expedition, but you don’t have a map, no compass, or even a clear destination. That's what work can feel like without a solid workflow.

An effective workflow is like a detailed itinerary for your team, a map that answers the crucial questions:

  • What needs to be done? (Tasks)
  • When is the deadline? (Timelines)
  • How can we get it done? (Methods and resources)
  • Who's responsible? (Accountabilities)
  • What's the ultimate payoff? (Outcome)

By combining effective workflow with proven management principles, you'll forge a lean, well-oiled machine of a team, that executes tasks like clickwork.

The next question that arises is;


What is Workflow Management System (WFMS), and how does it work?

What it is:

  • A software tool or platform that automates and manages the flow of tasks, documents, and information within your organization.
  • Streamlines processes, centralizes data, and improves efficiency.

Its Key Functions:

  • Define workflows: Design and map out the steps involved in different processes of your business operations (sales, accounting & finance, CRM, etc.)
  • Helps you assign tasks and roles: Specify who is responsible for each task within the workflow.
  • Helps you automate tasks: Set up rules for automatic routing of tasks, notifications, and approvals (If this happens, do that).
  • Centralize information: Store all relevant documents and data in one place for easy access.
  • Track and monitor progress: Get insights into workflow performance and identify bottlenecks.
  • Analyze and optimize: Use data to improve workflows and increase efficiency.


  • Increased productivity and reduced errors from your team.
  • Improved communication and collaboration.
  • Enhanced visibility and control over your processes.
  • Reduced costs and time spent on manual tasks.
  • Improved client satisfaction through faster and quality project delivery.

Examples of WFMS:

  • Popular workflow management systems include SAP, InfoLobby, Kissflow, Zoho Creator, and Microsoft Power Automate.
    InfoLobby boasts the most budget-friendly and flexible because of its automation engine
  • Applications: WFMS helps your sales pipelines, project management, approvals, document review, onboarding new employees, expense reports, etc.

WFMS can be implemented on-premises or in the cloud. Choosing the right WFMS depends on your organization's needs and budget.

Now that you know what workflow management systems are, let’s dive into how to utilize them effectively.


6 Workflow Management Tips to Scale Your Business in Record Time


  1. Start with Goals & Priorities:

Hold a strategic brainstorming session with key stakeholders (CEO, product owners, heads of departments). Analyze team productivity reports and identify top time-wasters (manual tasks, information chaos, unclear roles). Sketch wireframes showcasing potential workflow solutions for high-impact areas like sales pipelines, project management, or onboarding.

For Instance;

Your HR department faces bottlenecks in purchasing office supplies, furniture, and equipment due to a slow and manual purchase order (PO) approval process. Paper forms get lost, emails trail off, and approvals take days, resulting in frustration and delayed deliveries.

Workflow step:

  • Employee submits online PO request with item descriptions, quotes, and justifications.
  • Requests automatically route for approval to department heads based on pre-defined spending limits.
  • As an approver, you receive notifications and can review requests, adjust quantities, or comment on concerns online.
  • Upon final approval, the PO automatically generates and routes to the vendor for fulfilment.
  • The system tracks the entire process, from submission to fulfilment, with audit logs and status updates.


  1. Tailor Workflows to People:

A typical but less effective approach would be to create systems and force your employees to conform to them during onboarding. It is more practical to create workflows around your employees.

Starting out, it’s okay to wing it. But as you build teams and processes, it is wise to install systems as quickly as possible.

Brainstorm with your team to understand their needs, as well as frustrations. Then design customized workflows that address their biggest bottlenecks and repetitive tasks, like sending automated support messages or handling customer emails efficiently.


  1. Choose Your Automation Method:

Pick the right execution method for your workflow. For infrequent, low-impact tasks, manual execution might be sufficient. But if you find they're causing delays or inefficiencies, consider automation.

For Instance;

Responding to frequently asked questions (FAQs): If your customer service team receives repetitive questions about order tracking, product features, or returns, consider creating a chatbot or automated FAQ system. This frees up agents for more complex issues and provides instant answers to customers.

Consider a mix of manual and automated steps (Hybrid approach). For tasks requiring human judgment or creativity, manual execution might be preferred. But automate where possible to streamline workflows and maximize efficiency.

Start small and scale. Don't try to automate everything at once. Choose a few high-impact processes to start and gradually expand your automation efforts as you gain experience and confidence.


  1. Map & Document Your Flows:

Sketch out your workflow using tools or even pen and paper. Create detailed documentation outlining tasks, systems, deadlines, and responsible individuals. This ensures clarity and smooth implementation for new hires.

If you have to manually show the ropes to every new hire, it would quickly become a jarring task (in need of yet another automation).

You don’t have to manually train your team on implementing your workflows. Simply;

  • Test it out with a small group
  • Document as you go
  • Once you’ve figured out processes that work, share them with the rest of the staff


  1. Audit & Optimize Regularly:

Don't let your workflows stagnate. Schedule quarterly audits, either manually or using workflow tools, to analyze performance and identify improvement areas. Also, document all optimization changes to keep everyone informed.


  1. Think Scalability from the Start:

Don't just create workflows for the present; build them with growth in mind. Here's how to future-proof your workflow management and ensure smooth sailing as your business expands;

  • Embrace Flexible Frameworks:
    • Stay Agile: Use continuous feedback loops and iterative development to quickly adjust to shifting demands and priorities.
    • Hybrid approaches: Combine different frameworks to fit your specific needs and context.
  • Empower Your Team:
    • Delegate tasks and decision-making, creating a culture of ownership, accountability and productive autonomy.
    • Continuous Learning: Encourage ongoing learning and skills development to equip your team to handle new challenges and technologies.
    • Feedback and Optimization: promote (actively) a culture of open feedback and encourage suggestions for workflow improvements.
  • Design for Scalability:
    • Modular Workflows: Build workflows in discrete, interconnected modules that can be easily added or removed as needed (run away from tools that don’t allow you this flexibility).
    • Cloud-based Solutions: Utilize cloud-based workflow management tools like InfoLobby that readily scale up your resources to accommodate growth.
  • Monitor and Adapt:
    • Data-driven Decisions: Leverage data and analytics to track performance, measure impact, and inform your decisions on optimizing workflows.
    • Continuous Experimentation: Be open to testing new tools, approaches, and processes to keep up with evolving needs and technology advancements.

Check out this new platform that allows you flexibility unlike any other cloud platform – to create any workflow you can think of, automate your business processes and more.

By implementing these principles, you can build workflows that are not just efficient today but equipped to adapt and thrive as your business scales.

Remember, scalability is not just about technology; it's about cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement, proactive planning, and empowering your team to be the architects of your company’s future success.

Bonus Tip: Integrate your workflow management system with other business applications like CRM, accounting, and HR to create a unified, data-driven ecosystem that supports seamless growth.

InfoLobby allows you to easily integrate with other tools you use in running your business.

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