
Podio Alternative: InfoLobby

Although Podio and InfoLobby are quite similar, they do have some noticeable differences.

Team Collaboration Platform

At the core, both Podio and InfoLobby are team collaboration platforms. You can use them for anything from CRM to Project Management.

The beauty in such tools is the flexibility to easily build out exactly what you need. Simply select the fields you need, and start entering data.

Invite your team mates, and start managing tasks with your cohorts. And then have conversations in-context on individual data records. This alone, is lost in most task management systems. Context.

Also, both have extremely powerful automation engines. Far, far superior to duct-taping processes together with a 3rd-party system like Zapier.

AI Assistants

A stand-out feature of InfoLobby is it's integration of AI assistants. Such features are not present in Podio at all.

You can leverage AI Assistants to help with calculation fields and code, and even generate entire apps comprised of multiple tables in one go.


A major UX downfall in most generic database solutions is the management of master-detail relationships. Usually you have to create a detail entity and link it to it’s master. And getting an overview of related detail entities from a master record is often cludgy.

InfoLobby is unique in that it allows you to manage sub-tables inside individual records.

You can easily configure a master-detail relationship, and all related detail records will show up in a tab on the master record. From here you can also easily create sub-records without having to navigate elsewhere.

Role-based Pricing

Most SAAS platforms have a fixed price per user per plan, and all users have to be on the same plan. You cannot have some users on a premium plan, and some on a cheaper plan - even though most of your users are just that - CRUD users.

InfoLobby has role-based pricing. You pay a premium for administrators - those users who set up the system and create automations. The folks that just “use” the system are at a significantly reduced rate - almost 80% less.

Flexible User Permissions

Take for example, HR performance reviews. You’d want to manage them in a single table, but would want to make sure that employees can only see their own reviews. Is this possible?

In InfoLobby it is. In fact, the support tickets table is a running example of this. You can manage only your own support tickets, while admins in the space (InfoLobby support staff) can access them all.

Additionally, InfoLobby let’s you lock down fields to admins only, so that you can make sure users don’t change things they shouldn’t.


The above points make InfoLobby a good Podio Alternative.

These are just some of the main differences between Podio and InfoLobby. Which one is better for you, ultimately depends on specific requirements.

For a more complete breakdown of differences, see the table linked below:

* "Podio" is a registered trademark and used in this document purely to identify the product under Nominative Fair Use.


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