
For Each Variable

The For Each Variable block allows you to loop through the values of a variable.

To use the For Each Variable block, you first need to create a variable using the Calculate Variable.
This variable will then be able to be selected for the loop.

For example, we want to create a loop to complete actions three (3) times.  First we create the variable "looper" and then add the For Each Variable action and select the "looper" variable. 

The For Each Variable block will loop through the values of the selected variable.
You can access each iteration of the loop through a child variable with the suffix of _loop.

You can then use the value of the child variable from each iteration to perform an action as needed.

For example, we are creating a new item with each number. 

Every For Each Variable block must be closed using a Continue (For/Search) block.
Anything between these two blocks is considered part of the loop.

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