
Adding Fields

Fields are the individual data points within your tables, allowing you to capture and categorize information efficiently.

The different field types currently available are:

  • Text Line: A single line text field for short data.
  • Text Area: A plain or HTML text field for longer data.
  • Number: A field for numeric data, with support for decimals.
  • Date: A field that stores a date and time.
  • Select: A field for selecting category options, useful for dropdowns or checklists.
  • Relationship: A field that links to another record in the database.
  • User: A field to assign a record to a user.
  • Hyperlink: A field to link to a webpage.
  • Address: A field to store and show a Google Map address.
  • Tags: A field for tagging, which can be used in the global search.
  • Calculation: A field for basic calculations, using mySQL.
  • Script: Complex script that load into the UI after a record loads.
  • Attachments: A field to add files to your records.
  • Images: A field to add images, allowing for storage and preview.
  • Button: A field to trigger an automation at the touch of a button.

For detailed instructions and examples, please follow the links for each highlighted field, below. 

Each field comes with standard Settings accessed from the dots in the header.

The field is required to be filled out and cannot be saved without a value. There will be an error if the field is left blank.
When a record is created using automation, a required field is not enforced.

Always Hide
The field will not be visible to non-admin users when they are filling out the form. This can be useful for fields that are used for internal purposes only, or for fields that are not relevant to all users. For admin users, the field can be seen but it will be indicated as hidden.
When a record is created using automation or through web forms, the Always Hide option is not applied. Users will still be able to see the field.

Hide on Create
The field will not be visible to non-admin users when they are creating a new record. This can be useful for fields that are only relevant to existing records, or for fields that are not required for new records.  For admin users, the field can be seen but it will be indicated as hidden.
The Hide on Create option is not applied when a record is created using automation or through web forms. This means that users will still be able to see the field when they create the record.

Admin Only
The field will only be visible to administrators. This can be useful for fields that contain sensitive information, or for fields that are only relevant to administrators.


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