
Migrating from Podio

Migrating your data from Podio can effectively be done with the built-in importer.

Before you Begin

To keep relationships, you need to migrate apps in the correct order. For example, if you have an invoices app and an invoice items app with a relationship field to invoices, you need to import the invoices app first. This is so that when the invoice items app gets imported, the relationship fields can be connected to existing assets in InfoLobby.

Start an Import

To start importing a Podio app, click on the space settings ellipses icon next to the space name in InfoLobby where you want to import the app to.

Then, in the space settings window, select Import from Podio or Notion

And then select Podio.

You will then be asked to log into Podio, and once authenticated, to select the Podio app you want to import.

If you have relationship fields in the app, you will be asked to map them to existing tables in InfoLobby. This is why it's important to import your apps in the right order.

Once confirmed, the import will start.

Please note that the import could take a while. Do not close your browser or navigate away from the importing screen.

Once all the Podio items are imported, you will be able to see the resulting table in InfoLobby.

What's Included?

The following is brought across in an import from Podio:

  • All app fields except for calculations and votes
  • All app items
  • All files
  • All comments, including files

What's not Included?

Some things cannot be imported due to various incompatibilities:

  • Calculation fields
  • Automation flows (more on that later)
  • Views
  • Report Widgets

Views and report widgets you would need to set up again manually, but should not pose too much of a problem.

Calculation fields might be a little more tricky because of the difference in how they are supported on the 2 platforms. Podio's calculation fields use JavaScript and are asynchronous, while InfoLobby's calculation fields are simpler, using SQL functions, but are calculated in real-time (never out-of-date).

PWA/GlobiFlow Automations

Although GlobiFlow/Podio PWA flows resemble InfoLobby flows, they are significantly different under the hood. However your understanding of PWA flows should make it super easy to re-create the flows in InfoLobby.

To give you a starting point, InfoLobby has a flow importer that will get you 80% of the way.

In PWA/GlobiFlow, select your flow, and export it:

This will download an XML file.

Next, in InfoLobby, go to the imported Table for the corresponding app the flow belongs to, and click the import link on the automations page:

Next, select the xml file you downloaded from PWA previously, and it will be imported and translated.

Since the automation engines are significantly different, the import will not be perfect and probably won't even run as-is. However it should be around 80% complete, just requiring some tweaking to make it work.

NB: Make sure to test your flow carefully before moving on to the next one.

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