
Your first InfoLobby project. Create your own invoicing system.

In this post, we will show you how to create a simple invoicing system in InfoLobby. We will select a contact and create an invoice for them, and the status will be set automatically.

  • Create a Space. To create a Space, click the New Space button in the homepage. Enter Invoice as the name for your Space and click the Ok button. 

  • Create a Table. Within a Space, you can create tables to store your data. To create a table, click the New Table button in the space page. Enter Contacts as a name for your table. Add two text fields. One for contact name and the other one for email to include in the table. Click the Save button to create the table.

  • Create a second table to store invoice information. Name the table Invoice. Add four fields. A Date field to store invoice date. A Relationship field to store who we are invoicing. You can select the Contacts table as your relation. A Select field to store the invoice status. Add Draft and Confirmed  as two the staus options. You can select two colours to represent each status as well. Mark this field as Hide on Create as we don't want to see this field on create. I have gone with green for confirmed and gray for draft. A File field to store the generated invoices. Mark this field as Hide on Create as we don't want to see this field on create. We will revisit this table later to add more fields.

  •  Create a third table to store invoice lines. Name the table Invoice Lines. Add four fields.  A Relationship field to select the invoice to which this line belongs to. You can select the Invoice table as your relation. A text field to store the line details. Two Number fields to store the quantity and price information. We need one more field to display the line total. That is Price x Quantity. However, we have to save it first to be able to pull quanity field and price field in a calculation. Save the table.

  • Once saved, reopen the table configuaration. Now add a calculation field and name it Line Total. Add a formula to multiply quanity and price. Mark this field as Hide on Create as we don't want to see this field on create. 

  • Now, let us go back to the Invoice table configuation to add invoice total and tabs. Add a calculation field. Name it Invoice Total. In the calculation area, type @ to display available tokens. Select Sum of Line Total. Mark this field as Hide on Create as we don't want to see this field on create.

  • Click on the second tab - Tab Groups. Click on Invoice Lines from the incoming relationship section. Add Description, Rate, Quantity and Line Total. Save the table.

  • Let us now do some automations. First we, want the Status of an Invoice set to "Draft" automatically when an Invoice is created.

  • Go to Invoice Table > Settings > Automations > Create New Flow

  • Set When a Record is Created as trigger and update the status in the THEN block.

Our basic app structure is ready. You can create a contact and create an invoice. 

Create a Contact

Create an Invoice for the contact

Note: Select Save & Stay from the dropdown next to save button as we want to add Line Items to this invoice.

Create Line Items

Note: You can click on the plus icon next to Invoice Lines on the tab to add line items. You can select Save & New from the dropdown next to save button to keep adding more line items. 

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