
Master Data

In the dynamic world of small business, efficient data management is paramount. Master Data Management (MDM) involves consolidating business-critical information, such as customer, product, and supplier data, into a single, reliable source. InfoLobby, a flexible and collaborative project management tool, can significantly streamline this process. Here's how you can leverage InfoLobby to manage the main steps involved in Master Data Management.

Step 1: Define and Identify Your Master Data

The first step in MDM is identifying what constitutes your master data. Typically, this includes data that is crucial for business operations, such as:

  • Customer Information
  • Product Details
  • Supplier Data
  • Employee Records

Using InfoLobby: Create a workspace dedicated to Master Data Management. Within this workspace, set up specific tables for each category of master data. InfoLobby allows you to customize these tables to capture all necessary information fields.

Step 2: Data Collection and Integration

Once you've identified your master data, the next step is collecting and integrating it from various sources. This might involve extracting data from spreadsheets, CRM systems, and other databases.

Using InfoLobby: Use InfoLobby’s integration capabilities to pull data from various sources. InfoLobby's automations can facilitate integrations with other applications you use, ensuring a seamless data flow into your InfoLobby apps.

Step 3: Data Cleansing and Standardization

To ensure accuracy and consistency, data cleansing and standardization are critical. This involves removing duplicates, correcting errors, and ensuring all data entries follow a uniform format.

Using InfoLobby: Utilize InfoLobby’s filter and view options to spot inconsistencies and duplicates. Create custom fields with validation rules to standardize data entry, reducing the chance of errors.

Step 4: Data Governance and Control

Implementing data governance policies ensures that your master data remains accurate, consistent, and secure over time. Define who can access, edit, and manage the data.

Using InfoLobby: Assign specific roles and permissions within your InfoLobby workspace. This way, only authorized personnel can make changes to the master data, ensuring data integrity and security.

Step 5: Data Maintenance and Monitoring

Master data management is an ongoing process. Regular maintenance and monitoring are necessary to keep the data accurate and up-to-date.

Using InfoLobby: Set up recurring tasks and reminders within InfoLobby to review and update the data periodically. Use InfoLobby’s reporting features to monitor data quality and track changes over time.

Step 6: Data Utilization and Sharing

The final step is making your master data accessible and usable for decision-making. Share this data with relevant stakeholders to enhance business processes and strategies.

Using InfoLobby: Leverage InfoLobby’s collaborative features to share data with your team. Create shared views and reports that team members can access, ensuring everyone has the information they need when they need it.


Master Data Management might seem daunting, but with the right tools, it becomes manageable. InfoLobby offers a robust platform for small businesses to streamline and optimize their MDM processes. By defining, collecting, cleansing, governing, maintaining, and utilizing your master data within InfoLobby, you can ensure your business runs smoothly and efficiently.

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