
Import from Podio or Notion

Want to move your data? Import an entire Podio App or Notion Database with a single click.


Select the Table(App) name and click OK. 
It is recommended to start with a table that doesn't have any outgoing relationships.  

When importing an App that has outgoing relationships, you will be asked to map those lookup fields to the IL table. 

InfoLobby will then fetch your items and import them into the newly created table.
DO NOT navigate from this page until the process is finished. This can take a while depending on the amount of items.

Once complete, open the table settings and re-create any calculation fields and modify to your liking.

Podio Notes:

  • Fields are added for "Files"
  • Calculations are not supported
  • Date Ranges get a second Date field for end part
  • Comment dates are preserved
  • Comment attachments and inline images are preserved
  • Item fields are converted to current best available option (eg images > files, etc)
  • Tags and ratings are not supported


Notion Notes:

  • Fields are added for "Content" and "Files"
  • Calculations and Rollups are not supported
  • Notion comments are not supported
  • Content formatting is limited
  • Dates are created as Date Time with end (since we don't know)
  • There may be numerous other limitations due to the Notion API

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